Flat Stanley's Spice Island Adventures

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rainforest Adventures

Ladies selling fruit on the way to the rainforest

Looking down the ravine

Flat Stanley walking the trail

Flat Stanley with his new friend, Noah, with the waterfalls in the background
Seven Sisters waterfalls
View down the river
Flat Stanley went hiking in the Grand Etang Rainforest last week. He hiked along a challenging, muddy trail, going up steep hills and down muddy slopes, and across river beds to reach the Seven Sisters waterfalls. Along the hike, Stanley got to see lots of plants, flowers, trees, and bamboo. When Stanley finally made it to the waterfalls, he was able to swim in the pool underneath the last fall. The water was really cold, but it was so much fun! He learned that the two waterfalls he saw were only two of seven waterfalls that make up Seven Sisters. The other five require tough climbing and hiking to reach, so he didn't get to see those. On the hike back, it began to rain in the rainforest!

Ahoy Captain!

It was a perfect day for sailing on the catamaran named Timshel. The wind was blowing, the sun was shining, and Flat Stanley was ready with his new sailor's hat. The wind was blowing so hard that we sailed about 44 miles in just 4 hours! Stanley got to see the islands north of Grenada called The Grenadines. He also lounged on the rope net and saw the water rushing by under him. Flat Stanley even helped with adjusting the sails! He had a fun and exciting day sailing on the Caribbean Sea.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Fun in the Sun

Today Flat Stanley and I had a fun day at the pool. The sun was shining brightly so the cool pool water was very refreshing. Stanley got to ride the inflatable dolphin with the help of his new friend, Emily! Thankfully no one got sunburned! Now we are all looking forward to an afternoon of sailing on Monday. Flat Stanley is really, really excited about sailing; he is so excited that we may have to go buy him a sailor's hat!