Flat Stanley's Spice Island Adventures

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fun for Flat Stanley

This weekend Flat Stanley had tons of fun. Not only did he get to see many sailboats, he also got to play in the sand and watch his new friends scuba dive! As you may have noticed in the pictures, Flat Stanley also went shopping for new beach appropriate clothing. Among his new purchases were some board shorts, a t-shirt, and some cool shades to keep the sun out of his eyes!

Flat Stanley first got to watch his new friends scuba dive off the coast of Grenada. Although Stanley couldn't go underwater on this trip, he did get to hear about all the colorful tropical fish and plants and coral reefs they saw. Stanley heard about the moray eel, trumpet fish, blue tang, and clown fish that his friends saw. He hopes he gets to go on a dive with them soon!

The Grenada Sailing Festival took place this weekend on Grand Anse Beach, and Stanley got to see sailboats of all shapes and sizes. Many of the sailboats were small wooden boats with sails suspended on bamboo.

Stanley's Arrival

Flat Stanley made it to the beautiful Caribbean island of Grenada! He is already enjoying the spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean from his new balcony and learning many new things about the island. Stanley first learned where Grenada is located. It is located in the Southern Caribbean in a chain of islands known as The Grenadines. He also learned that Grenada is known as the Spice Island because its main national product is spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon. Flat Stanley is trying his best to adapt to the warm weather here on the island. It usually is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit all year long. Stanley is looking forward to going to the gorgeous beaches of Grenada! He'll have to remember his sunscreen though!

Grenada's flag
